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Thank you for using the services of FACILFLEX.COM. We are committed to providing you with quality and satisfactory service. We understand that our services are related to the opening of Flex accounts, which are personal and non-transferable. Here is our return policy:

Service Payment

Payment for the service will only be required once it has been successfully completed and the Flex account has been delivered to the customer. If for any reason the service is not completed or the account cannot be delivered, payment will not be required, and no charges will be applied to the customer.

No Possibility of Refunds

Due to the intangible and personalized nature of our services, once payment has been made, and the Flex account has been delivered to the customer, we do not offer refunds or returns. The account is for the exclusive use of the customer and cannot be transferred or used by third parties.

Accurate and Complete Information

We strive to provide reliable and high-quality service, but we cannot guarantee success in opening accounts or resolving issues in Flex.

If for any reason the service is not completed or the Flex account cannot be delivered, the customer will not be obligated to make the payment.

We appreciate your understanding of our return policy and assure you that we will strive to provide you with quality and satisfactory service.

If you have any further questions or concerns about our return policy, please feel free to contact us through the following channels:



100% Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment is your complete satisfaction.


Fast and Efficient: Your Flex account ready in less than 10 days.


Secure Payment: With our service, you only pay when your account is ready.